Batch processing is a simple way to program repetitive tasks without having to write any code.

The Batch Processing Tool
The Batch Processing Tool

The Batch Processor Tool is used to identify a group of spectral files, perform a pre-defined set of operations upon the selected data, and save the modified data to a specified directory. The Tool is used to automate any repetitive tasks that may arise in the course of data processing. Batch processing is a simple way to program repetitive tasks without having to write any code. A simple editor is used to chain together processing steps into a 'sequence'. The result of any Analyses in the sequence are displayed in the 'Results' tab. Also, analysis results can be automatically exported in several file formats. The files are named automatically based on the name of the spectra file that is being analyzed along with a timestamp. For instance, if the file being analyzed is 'polystyrene.spc' and the Analysis Report File Type is '.pdf', the report file will be named 'polystyrene_2022_09_30_1141_19.pdf', where the fields are year, month, day, hour and second. Note that this tool can also do file format conversion by setting the 'File Type'.

A simple editor is used to chain together processing steps into a 'sequence'. Individual components of the sequence are called 'nodes' or 'stages'. Clicking the 'Create' or 'Edit' buttons will summon this dialog box.

The Batch Processing Sequence Editor
The Batch Processing Sequence Editor

On the left are two lists of available actions: Manipulations and Analysis. These are the manipulations stages that are available:

The Batch Processing Manipulations Nodes The Batch Processing Analysis Nodes
The Batch Processing Manipulations Nodes The Batch Processing Analysis Nodes

See automation.html for information about how to make it even easier to automate repetitive tasks. Batch processing sequences can be executed from Python scripts, see also peakScripting.html

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